Don't bother checking
your mailboxes. Ezpop will do it for you in the background.
Have you mail ? The empty box in the window will change into a you
got mail box. Of course, you can associate your favourite sound, or even
run EzPop in the systray and make it pop up to warn you.
Make EzPop looks like
anything you want
EzPop is skinnable. It means you can change its look and choose whatever you
fancy. There are three gorgeous skins included with the install program, and
you will find lots more on the Net. And if you don't find this elusive cow-shaped
skin you want to go with your custom-made MS Plus™ Theme, well... design
it yourself ! Try it, it's easy!
You got mail ? We have
Between checks, EzPop can bring news right on your desktop. The default news
server is EzPop. New skins, updates, you'll be the first one to know! In months
to come, a lot of servers will be added to let you choose what you want to read.
That's the nice thing with customizable software : choice.
Read you mail with EzPop.
Quick and easy.
Want a quick look at this message you just received ? Double-click on the Mailbox
and a separate window will open to let you read it. You can even reply to the
sender from this window, save the message and its attachment(s), or delete it!
Forget the SPAM!
Tired of these "Make $$$$$ in your sleep" messages ? With its filtering feature,
EzPop will ask you if you want to delete them on the server. You can also say
goodbye to these huuuuge attachments sent by your aunt May who doesn't seem
to understand the difference between a 20 Kb image and a 2 Mb file. Set the
max size to 300 Kb (or whatever you choose) and save your time and bandwith.
EzReminder: never forget
a thing
An appointment, a phone call, a birthday? Better than a knot in your handkerchief,
EzPop is a reminder too. Let it warn you right on time of any event you must
remember. Type some words, tell him the day and the time, and voila!
Write/Load notes with
EzPop and forget the Notepad
Do you need to note something ? A name, a phone number? Don't bother searching
for some program lost in the Start Menu. When you don't have mail, the EzPop
message window becomes a quick 'n' easy notepad.
The best things in life
are free
EzPop is freeware for personal use and will stay so. No "free beta but we
don't know about the final release" and no " free until we feel you're
ready to pay for it". Simply free...